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Showing posts from February, 2023

Overview | 2-28-23

 Today, we started off with a discussion of if killing people is justifiable. Me personally, I think that it is to a extent. For example, if you are being threatened heavily by someone and they try to take your life, I say it is okay to protect yourself if it involves killing. Also, in the military if it is your profession it is also justifiable. I enjoyed it, because it was a lesson that you had to really sit back and think about. Overall, today's class was fun and the new teacher is awesome.

No work

 I believe we should have a free day because we have worked so hard DAY AND NIGHT and we deserve a brain break. Also, since it is Friday and so close to the weekend we should just chill. Plus, we have all 5 days next week to do any work we missed yesterday so one day wouldn’t really hurt. Lastly, we are just so heartbroken that we couldn’t go to the activity and this free day would really boost our spirits. :)

Overview | 2-23-23

  Today we did not do anything in class because we had an assembly on drunk driving. The small skit was fun and entertaining and really confused me on if it was real or not. This took up all of 2nd period so we did not start nothing. Overall, today's period was cool.

Overview | 2-22-23

   Today in class we presented our black history projects.    We had to complete a video lesson note paper before the end of class as well. Since we didn’t finish the video due to a small amount of time we never completed our exit ticket. The paper was easy but I did not get a lot done. Overall, class was chill.

Overview | 2-21-23

   We didn’t have school yesterday due to presidents’ day. Today was an easy day all we did was vocabulary. We had to do 15 sentences then do activities one and three. Overall class was chill today.

Overview | 2-9-23

 Today, we were doing the same as yesterday. I did some of the quotes but not all. When I got home, I was going to finish but it was closed so I am going to get a bad grade on it. Not good at all but class was chill and easy I guess.

Overview | 2-2-23

   Today in class we started class off by reading two more poems written by Emily Dickinson. After analyzing and reading both poems as a class, we got started on our group assignment. The poem that I got was pretty difficult to analyze so the one pager might be difficult. I am kind of glad we are in groups because I do not think I could do it on my own. Overall, class was chill today.

Overview | 2-1-23

 Today in class we watched a short film called, "less than human". I didn't get the theme of this film at all but it was fairly funny. After, we went over another poem by Emily Dickson. We just went over it and analyzed. Overall, class was easy and chill today

Overview | 1-30-23

  Today we started class by taking a vocabulary test over the words we went over last week. After we concluded the test we got started on our class assignment. Today in class we did a lightbulb map over unpopular opinions. When we were done with the first half of the assignment we read over our answers as a class.  Some of the opinions were pretty funny but overall , today's class was cool.